Forum Coordinators: RedPhantom
Poser - OFFICIAL F.A.Q (Last Updated: 2024 Dec 19 6:46 am)
I have no idea the reason for it, but I do know Poser does wacky stuff when it gets low on memory. Save, quitting, restarting my machine and opening back of the file I was working usually fixes the problem. Strange huh? That looks nice what you have even with the shedding. ;) Is that a Manned Wolf? bB
I don't think it's a hoax. This is picture came from the National Geographic website. Employees at Tyco have taken numerious photos and video of the mystery animal. I would like to see more pictures myself, but this is all I found online. Here's the link: bB
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Many of you helped me with ideas on the "exploding hair" issues. Now I need ideas on why a hair group "sheds" all over the place.It seem to happen "whenever" and not with the group being worked on at the moment. Therefor it feels a bit scary if it will happen to any group at any time. If you know what I mean.
I can isolate which hair group it is and if I delete it and redo it the problem is gone. But the thing is I would like to have an idea of why it happens in the first place.
Any suggestions are welcome.