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Subject: I call for a vote on the forums

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logansfury ( ) posted Sat, 08 April 2006 at 2:15 PM · edited Thu, 19 December 2024 at 3:19 AM

Lets see if RO actually gives a damn about its communities and customers opinions or not. There seems to be a lot of unhappiness about the new piece of garbage (oh excuse me, I meant forums). Well does the unhappieness of a LOT of members mean anything or not? I call for a community vote: Give us the opportunity to vote on the old or new style, and if there is an overwhelming majority of preference for the old then please GIVE US BACK OUR WORKING FORUMS!!! Who else thinks this is a good idea and who at RO administration will step up and say if this will even be considered or not?

ockham ( ) posted Sat, 08 April 2006 at 2:31 PM

I second the [e]motion!

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Casette ( ) posted Sat, 08 April 2006 at 2:33 PM

I suppose there isn't a return to the past BUT I VOTE ON THE OLD STYLE I'm spending in the forum a lot of time with those stupid stars, I'm not receiving emails when someone replies me... Nice nonsenses, but I relly don't need avatars or emoticons, but a forum which works properly...

"Poser isn't a SOFTWARE... it's a RELIGION!"

cherokee69 ( ) posted Sat, 08 April 2006 at 2:40 PM

I want the working old forums back. Don't like the new screwed up forums and Rosity is loading even slower than it did before. But, you know, we could have a mass vote where everyone wants the old forums back and threaten to leave (really leave) if they didn't restore them but that wouldn't make any difference to Rosity. They seem to know what's best for us and the site even if it's the wrong choice. It's so screwed up now I don't even like coming here.

Casette ( ) posted Sat, 08 April 2006 at 2:48 PM

I installed XP in my computer. I tested it. It was a poo eating my RAM. I uninstalled it and I'm using again my old W2K. There's nothing traumatic if you do a change and if it doesn't works to return to the old stuff ... but seriously I think it's a lost battle... I almost can ear the programmers' teeth crunching: 'HOW CAN THEY SAY THE OLD FORUM IS BETTER THAN THIS???'

"Poser isn't a SOFTWARE... it's a RELIGION!"

dadt ( ) posted Sat, 08 April 2006 at 2:55 PM

Good idea!

lesbentley ( ) posted Sat, 08 April 2006 at 3:08 PM · edited Sat, 08 April 2006 at 3:09 PM

Excellent idea! I vote for the

old style forums!

cherokee69 ( ) posted Sat, 08 April 2006 at 3:10 PM


It's easy, at least it was working alot better than this is.

dphoadley ( ) posted Sat, 08 April 2006 at 3:19 PM

I endorse the motion, we are spending too much time on the superficial framework of the forum, and have forgotten what really matters -developing Poser and our skill to work with it. This new forum has become a classic example of where the packaging has overwhelmed and become more important than the content. Since its imposition, there has been very little activity in these disparate forums other than complaints as to lost threads, malfunctioning ebots, the inabilty to message properly, and various other ailments. It's time to adhere to the old saw: If one person says you look ill -shrug your shoulders, it's probably just a fluke. If two people say you look ill -scratch your head, and wonder. If three people say you look ill -it's time to lie down. David P. Hoadley


stahlratte ( ) posted Sat, 08 April 2006 at 3:28 PM · edited Sat, 08 April 2006 at 3:40 PM

Same here. These are not just teething troubles that will work out sooner or later, these are completely homemade problems caused by the fact that Renderosity did not buy a tested, upto-date and fully working existing PHPboard package, but tried to create their own board from scratch in order to make some additional profit by selling it later. Some points: 1. Font size is not resizeable when using the by far most widely used browser. 2. Colors are not customizeable with a simple mouseclick anymore. Instead we have to create our own CSS stylesheets to do so. 3. Pictures are resized to lower resolution, makes it impossible to save threads or tutorials to ones harddrive for later use, and is very inconvenient even for simple reading. 4. Way too much wasted space. Boards width should NOT be hardcoded to 1004. 5. Search function is useless if there is no "sort by date" option. Also very inconvenient to work with. I dont want to have to do extra typing just to additionally specify what time period I want to be searched. Just let me enter a term and show me ALL results SORTED by DATE. Just show me the threads title and who posted it. The old search worked PERFECT untill you messed with it. 6. What good is an attachment option if I cant add attachments ? There are several other things others have pointed out, but those are the "improvements" that disturb me most. Oh, and BTW, it is perfectly possible to ADD SMILIES with a single click. This is the only board where I have to cut and paste them.

Andi3d ( ) posted Sat, 08 April 2006 at 3:35 PM · edited Sat, 08 April 2006 at 3:46 PM

Casette, nah, the programmers are too busy wondering where the bananas are.....


 "That which doesn't kill you is probably re-loading"

Andi3d ( ) posted Sat, 08 April 2006 at 3:36 PM

or possibly the other half of their ass, as they seem to do everything half-assed

 "That which doesn't kill you is probably re-loading"

MindVision-GDS ( ) posted Sat, 08 April 2006 at 3:41 PM

Heh...I applaud your enthausiasm..but its in vain..go waste your energy elsewhere people..this will only piss you off

logansfury ( ) posted Sat, 08 April 2006 at 3:50 PM

Im happy to see that the thread is getting attention, thanks everyone. If anyone of administrative consequence is checking this out yet, sorry for ruining yer weekend :/ Lemme state this just to be clear, last thing Im attempting here is to start a torch and pitchfork session against one of my own online homes. Im sending no ebots trying to gather a lynch-mob, ive made the post and am now letting it be noticed or not without any assistance in the interests of an accurate collection of opinions. I know the origin of this thread could appear very dissentive but im truly just seeing how large a voice desire for the old forums can accumulate and if we can become significant enough to have the collective opinion seriously considered. I cant see myself leaving rosity completely, I have no desire to employ "ultimatum" or "threat" argumentation here, but the simple fact is that im definately not the posting-man-whore I was before this very dramatic change in the whole forum experience. I honestly think my attitude towards the forums is for the most part the majority attitude and I think it would be a huge shot in the arm to this site to see this acknowledged. Respectfully, Logan

barrowlass ( ) posted Sat, 08 April 2006 at 3:57 PM

PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZE can we have the old style forum back - it was easier to follow and (for my old cream-crackered eyes) much easier to read (begs)

My aspiration: to make a decent Poser Render I'm an Oldie, a goldie, but not a miracle worker :-)



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momodot ( ) posted Sat, 08 April 2006 at 4:07 PM

I have no hope concerning any change to the new forum format. I am sure the issue is economic. For the record: 1. The forum pages are loading over my broadband at 25% or less the speed they had been before. 2. I have difficulty reading the thread headings, an extra carriage return between the headings would make them easier to read for me at least. 3. It seems there are fewer threads posted these days but I hate the in-box clog of getting a notification of each individual post to a thread I am following. 4. The link to thread in the e-mails does not work sometimes, then it is hard for me to locate the thread in question on the forum because of the dense listing. 5. I would enjoy having my IM flag on the forum pages. Oh well. I guess the circular file for this thread is supposed to be over in the Community Forum? :b_tired:

Casette ( ) posted Sat, 08 April 2006 at 4:12 PM

(and mr. programmers, you can see that we have tried to use all your new features like avatars, emoticons, and those little toys. But the important reason of this forum is the thing which isn't working... ... WE WANT THE OLD STYLE)

"Poser isn't a SOFTWARE... it's a RELIGION!"

arcady ( ) posted Sat, 08 April 2006 at 4:13 PM

This new format seems visuall a lot more appealing, so I'm not sure what the problem is. Provided my posting to this thread puts this message up at the top of the page, my number one complaint about the old system (threads that were active disapearing when they were old) will be solved. If that happens, I would even further say I prefer this new method.

Truth has no value without backing by unfounded belief.
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Acadia ( ) posted Sat, 08 April 2006 at 4:38 PM

They aren't going to revert back. Good or bad these forums are here for the long haul.

"It is good to see ourselves as others see us. Try as we may, we are never
able to know ourselves fully as we are, especially the evil side of us.
This we can do only if we are not angry with our critics but will take in good
heart whatever they might have to say." - Ghandi

dphoadley ( ) posted Sat, 08 April 2006 at 4:57 PM

Maybe, but when an old thing is 'revised and updated', it's axiomatic that it should generate greater faciity of use, not geater complexity.


Terry Mitchell ( ) posted Sat, 08 April 2006 at 4:58 PM

Well if they arn't going to revert back, they should at least try to fix some things that work less efficiently than before. My two biggies are that I'm stuck with dial-up modem service, and the wait to see which posts are unread is tedious to say the least - a lot longer than the old format (damn little stars!). And it just adds to the aggrivation to have to select the "list by most recent post" option each time I log in instead of having it as the default function as in the old format. Seems that they've put more emphasis on form instead of on function. Just make it less of a pleasure and more of a pain to visit the site. If enough people feel the same way, that's gotta hurt marketplace sales sooner or later

Intel Core I7 3090K 4.5 GhZ (overclocked) 12-meg cache CPU, 32 Gig DDR3 memory, GeoForce GTX680 2gig 256 Bit PCI Express 3.0 graphic card, 3 Western Difgital 7200 rpm 1 Tb SATA Hard Drives

masha ( ) posted Sat, 08 April 2006 at 5:16 PM

How about getting some knowlegable programmers to fix this thing -or else the old style back please.

Acadia ( ) posted Sat, 08 April 2006 at 5:30 PM

The problem is that they are so concerned about copyrights that they aren't using any built in code/features. They are coding everything from the ground up from scratch. At least that's what one of the admins said in the Community Forum.

"It is good to see ourselves as others see us. Try as we may, we are never
able to know ourselves fully as we are, especially the evil side of us.
This we can do only if we are not angry with our critics but will take in good
heart whatever they might have to say." - Ghandi

Khai ( ) posted Sat, 08 April 2006 at 5:33 PM

"They are coding everything from the ground up from scratch." using someone that has no idea on what they are doing and giving him moronic instructions (eg : only allowing Admins and Moderators to search by User Name. yup you hear it.. try searching for Geep or Mec4d now... morons!) Search Tag : Khai

cherokee69 ( ) posted Sat, 08 April 2006 at 5:37 PM · edited Sat, 08 April 2006 at 5:43 PM

This is just a thought, they moved the forums to the server the marketplace is happened to the forum that was on the other server? Could it possibly still be sitting there. I know the galleries, contests, free stuff, tutorials. Who's Online, Communities, and Messaging are still on that server so why couldn't our old forums still be sitting there?

nruddock ( ) posted Sat, 08 April 2006 at 5:41 PM

Attached Link:

Link to the message Acadia mentioned. Contains several clues as to why things were (and are) less than satisfactory.

BARTWORX ( ) posted Sat, 08 April 2006 at 5:47 PM

Do you realy think that they "R'o " will change it back to the old style?? Why do you think they will ever do that... because 10 members say/demand so? R'o is not a club of friends that have a nice site and run it. Its a "Company" that makes money... and that they give us room to show our images and have a forum to mail to... That does not make em change things because we ask/demand them. There is in my vision only ONE way that they bring it back to the old style.... When ALL Merchants leave at once because or this THEN you got a chance.. Things change and over 2 years when they change it again people will say nay nay nay , we want the old style back this new stuff stinks... Lets wait and see, until then why not just pose,poser,post.... JMHO Chris

Not used anymore

Turtle ( ) posted Sat, 08 April 2006 at 6:07 PM

I hate this in the forums. The old style was so easy on the eyes. Yes this is slower on my cable. (Much slower).

Love is Grandchildren.

Miss Nancy ( ) posted Sat, 08 April 2006 at 6:16 PM

there is little or no chance they will revert back. sometimes it's hard to accept change, but it's just possible their coders, who are feeling rather harassed right now, will be able to fix the code to everyone's satisfaction. unfortunately it may take another two weeks to get 95% of the way there. will we see the site losing customers to daz, rdna et al.? this has been predicted every time there was a change in the forums here, but apparently it has never happened.

wheatpenny ( ) posted Sat, 08 April 2006 at 6:27 PM · edited Sat, 08 April 2006 at 6:30 PM
Site Admin

Moved to Community Center


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Khai ( ) posted Sat, 08 April 2006 at 6:40 PM

correction 'Shuffled under the Carpet' is more accurate.

slinger ( ) posted Sat, 08 April 2006 at 7:55 PM

I've got no major complaints. I like PHP forums and now they've added the function to alter the CSS for individual users this place looks just like PlanIt 3D to me. ~rofl~

The liver is evil - It must be punished.

momodot ( ) posted Sat, 08 April 2006 at 8:21 PM

Be nice. We are guests. I am not being sarcastic. I am sure that money like this wouldn't be spent unless there were solid economic reasons. There are things I like about this forum format and some that are not working for me like the speed issue. I think that "bug reporting" is productive feedback but we are guests.

anniemation ( ) posted Sat, 08 April 2006 at 8:32 PM · edited Sat, 08 April 2006 at 8:34 PM

I agree we are guests here. The new forums have been here less than a week. If you are having problems, give the Renderosity staff a chance. Edit to add: Forums are working great here btw and I like them.

slinger ( ) posted Sat, 08 April 2006 at 9:04 PM

Programmers are generally contracted in, and have to respond to the "needs" of the client. If you have in-house programmers then that's a huge bonus, but they STILL have to respond to the needs of people who... 1) Understand nothing about programming. 2) Generally speaking never have to worry about using the product that the programmers are contracted to produce. 3) Insist that they know more about how a site works than people who BUILD SITES FOR A FREAKIN' LIVING! Did I come across a little bitter-sounding there? ~lol~ As for that point about us being "guests" here...I previously understood that we were a part of a community. My bad. I assume you meant PAYING guests?

The liver is evil - It must be punished.

cherokee69 ( ) posted Sat, 08 April 2006 at 9:10 PM

And without us "guests" here, there wouldn't be a Rosity. And, everytime we buy something from the marketplace, we are "paying guests".

Acadia ( ) posted Sat, 08 April 2006 at 9:25 PM

The only major issues I have at this point in time are the search function, and PM notification. The rest I can live with. It would be nice to be able to change forum colours, but that's not paramount.

"It is good to see ourselves as others see us. Try as we may, we are never
able to know ourselves fully as we are, especially the evil side of us.
This we can do only if we are not angry with our critics but will take in good
heart whatever they might have to say." - Ghandi

momodot ( ) posted Sat, 08 April 2006 at 9:57 PM

/Programmers are generally contracted in, and have to respond to the "needs" of the client./ Back when I had a real life I saw data base "programmers" turn in faulty product on purpose since the companies they worked for had actually somehow managed to get the client to agree to pay beyond the initial contract for fixes that /might/ come up. Make more money on the fixes and work-arounds then on the original gig :) I don't want to stir up a fuss, but I think it is nice that a store would underwrite such a big forum... not all stores do. The site has not been a community for maybe six years. It is the forum members who are the community. Some of the members of the community seem much more intolerant of the have-nots and spend-nots then are the forum host. You can buy at the store without using the forum and you can use the forum without buying at the store... a lot of people do one but not the other. I myself have not noticed the overhead of the forum reflected in the pricing at the store. If the forum is "advertising" but it is run in good faith and with a minimum of interference I don't see the basis for complaint. On the other hand I cut the labels off my jeans and won't wear anything with a logo :)

BDC ( ) posted Sat, 08 April 2006 at 10:09 PM

Begins handing out the pitchforks and torchs J/K Seriously though I think a vote is a great idea, if this is truly a community fine lets run it like one, not a dictatorship. Oh, and my vote on the new forum: NAY! Bring back the old ones, or well at least something similiar.

"In times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act" ~George Orwell

BDC ( ) posted Sat, 08 April 2006 at 10:11 PM · edited Sat, 08 April 2006 at 10:15 PM

Quote - "Be nice. We are guests. I am not being sarcastic. I am sure that money like this wouldn't be spent unless there were solid economic reasons. There are things I like about this forum format and some that are not working for me like the speed issue. I think that "bug reporting" is productive feedback but we are guests."

Sorry but I must differ, I am not a guest I am a consumer or if you prefer a customer. Thats what I am called when I spend my money somewhere. As I have/do here. As such I expect prompt, curteous service. And a site that I have to learn how to "code" or "program" my damn self, is not prompt, nor curteous. It made me feel like a red headed step child at the family picnic too have to beg agiel to change my forum colors for me so I don't go blind squinting (with my glasses on mind you) to see the forum text. Edit: Ah heck, now look what you did, you done went and made me cuss!

"In times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act" ~George Orwell

ockham ( ) posted Sat, 08 April 2006 at 10:46 PM


Momodot: It's true that we are guests, and it's also true that Rendo doesn't have to provide a forum. But the forum certainly brings in sales. I didn't start to buy stuff here until I became comfy in the forum and heard the 'buzz' about various products. It's sort of like a bookstore with a coffee-shop inside. The coffee isn't there to impress coffee lovers, but only to keep folks inside long enough to browse the books..... Even so, if the coffee is bad, the whole thing acquires a bad taste.

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Andi3d ( ) posted Sun, 09 April 2006 at 12:17 AM

just a . to removce email notify. 1 notify for every reply sucks big time, and threads dont seem to get a bump at reply, like just about every other php forum in existance. as i said, bananas....

 "That which doesn't kill you is probably re-loading"

Lucifer_The_Dark ( ) posted Sun, 09 April 2006 at 2:03 AM

I like the new style, give them time to work out the bugs.

Windows 7 64Bit
Poser Pro 2010 SR1

JenniSjoberg ( ) posted Sun, 09 April 2006 at 7:41 AM

I DO prefer this style of forums to the old ones... BUT I absolutely hate the white glaring background, on the old forums my custom colour settings came thru in the forums.. here they don't... I'd give almost anything to have my personal settings come thru in the new forums aswell..

CRITIC, n. A person who boasts himself hard to
please because nobody tries to please him.

JenniSjoberg ( ) posted Sun, 09 April 2006 at 7:58 AM

Ahhh, found the style sheet option. Happy bunny now :D

CRITIC, n. A person who boasts himself hard to
please because nobody tries to please him.

Adavyss ( ) posted Sun, 09 April 2006 at 8:11 AM

The lake of professionalism is stupendous. How is it possible to put online such a buggy piece of software. Even Curious Labs would not dare to do that. Never heard of beta-testing ? Not a very good advertisement for Bondware Web Solutions.

bazze ( ) posted Sun, 09 April 2006 at 8:27 AM

Quote - " How is it possible to put online such a buggy piece of software."

Maybe because the testing was done by the developer? Having the same persone develop and also test his/her own stuff is bad practice. However I'm just guessing.

Erlik ( ) posted Sun, 09 April 2006 at 9:49 AM

Return the old forums? come on, people, it was ... such a piece of crap. It was from the dawn ages of the Internet. Be real. The fact that we all were used to it doesn't mean much. Yes, this new version has tons of badly thought-out parts and bugs, but it's at least a step in the right direction. The only real problems is that it looks like an alpha version and that whoever gave the guidelines for the creation of this forum didn't take even a broad look at what other forums can or cannot do. I'm against the return to the old forums. Completely. What I want is the new forums fixed and functioning P.R.O.P.E.R.L.Y. Properly!

-- erlik

cherokee69 ( ) posted Sun, 09 April 2006 at 9:51 AM

Quote - "I like the new style, give them time to work out the bugs."

The bugs show have been worked out BEFORE they even tried to put this piece of crap forum software online for the general public to use. There are many php forums on the net that work without a problem but Rosity decided they wanted to write their own. And by the looks of it, that was a bad choice.

Adavyss ( ) posted Sun, 09 April 2006 at 10:28 AM

"it was ... such a piece of crap" I agree with that and I strongly support that: "What I want is the new forums fixed and functioning P.R.O.P.E.R.L.Y. Properly!"

momodot ( ) posted Sun, 09 April 2006 at 11:18 AM

Quote - " It's sort of like a bookstore with a coffee-shop inside. The coffee isn't there to impress coffee lovers, but only to keep folks inside long enough to browse the books..... Even so, if the coffee is bad, the whole thing acquires a bad taste."

Ockham, that is a very apt analogy. Something to think about. I guess I have complained to the manager about the coffee in a place or two... N.B. My /signature/ does not extend to the matter of coffee.

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