Acadia opened this issue on Apr 09, 2006 ยท 84 posts
Mordikar posted Sun, 09 April 2006 at 12:07 PM
so if you're having "issues" with cyber-bullying (so bloody lame .. we have a cyber-everything now..) rather than slapping the ever loving @#$^ out of your ENTIRE user base why not try wat most actual forum moderater do... 1) Create a user group called "banned" or what ever you like. 2) set the group permissions to not allow read or write access to the forums. 3) when you get a case of lameness assign this user to this grouping and voila .. this user's account can no longer post to forums to harras other users. Many forum moderators will set users in this "banned" grouping for temporary points in time accompanied by a pm telling them what has been done, why and for how long. Sort of a "time out" if you will. If the issue persists then after fair warrning you ban the users account and ip address from the forums or the site as a whole. I ave used this practice in several forums i've run and found that it worked rather well and my actual time spent dealing with trolls was limited to a short period of time locating them and a few clicks to ban-group them. It really takes not all that much time, AND your entire userbase doesn't feel bitchslapped by your admin team with an accross the board decision based on a handful or so bad apples. With as long as 'rosity has been in business you'd think youd learn effective PR skills. By the way if you can't tell i'm for returning the site functionality of search by username as well. Edit: the comment about counting plunder was a bit overboard...