Very Cool, thanks, I've downloaded and will try it... I had two theories which will loop endlessly with even less polys and could look realistic... have a go, and let me know, as I have never needed this nor do I plan on needing it... but I was thinking about it when I went to sleep last night. chop your snow and rain cylinder short, turn it on its side, and put your camera INSIDE, then animate it 'rolling' as if your camera was sitting on the axis of the wheel of snow/rain (centerpoint) of the cylinder, then the weather will just roll and roll... the other option I thought would be cool... create two flat planes (circular if you like) apply your rain snow materials to them (so that you don't see the planes anymore, just the rain or snow), then set them up perpendicular to your camera and rotate them on their axis... one on the right and one on the left, like a pair of binoculars. Overlap them and rotate them to roll in toward the center... the one on the left would go clockwise, and the right plane counterclockwise... Then you can put one plane in front of the other and actually get a depth effect... this could be cool... of course the depth effect could be gotten from the cylinder idea as well, just scale up a copy of your first cylinder and spin it at a different speed about the same axis. After writing all this, I decided it's easier just to draw it, sorry! see attached