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Poser - OFFICIAL F.A.Q (Last Updated: 2024 Dec 18 2:45 pm)

Subject: A little help and comments Please!!

WolfiesAngelBear ( ) posted Tue, 18 April 2006 at 12:44 AM · edited Thu, 19 December 2024 at 3:43 AM

Content Advisory! This message contains nudity

Hello everyone! I have poser 5 and have been trying to do some scenes.....with not much luck, and had given up for awhile. After coming back to it I had decided I wanted to learn some new things. I have wanted to try and make some clothes, but haven't found any tutorials to try and follow so if anyone could direct me to some easy to follow and learn from tutorials I would greatly apperciate it. Now I did find a tutorial on doing a basic skin texture, and thought I would try my hand at that. I decided to make an afro skin texture with the p4 female, as vicki's obj file is to hard to figure out at this point. So I would like to post some pictures and have your comments and suggestions on how it looks and anything I could maybe do to inprove.


Sorry if they are big, but wanted to be sure they could be seen well.

Thanks for any and all help and comments and suggestions that you can give.

ashley9803 ( ) posted Tue, 18 April 2006 at 1:54 AM

Good start WolfiesAngelBear. I would like to make clothes too. The easiest way to make a new Viki texture is to modify an existing one (please abide by any copyright restrictions). You can open the texture in a graphics program, and alter the colour balance, brightness, saturation etc., even add scars or freckles, change eye colours, nail colour etc. There are some excellent high resolution textures for Viki out there that look really good. Apply them to Viki in the material room. You will need to apply to several individual body parts.

pleonastic ( ) posted Tue, 18 April 2006 at 2:04 AM

it looks like a good start, yes. what are you trying to achieve? do you want to make a painterly texture, or a more realistic one? i have links to clothes tutorials, but it would help to know how much of a background you have in modeling -- you can't really make clothes in poser itself, you need a separate application for that, and you'll have to learn how to use that first.

WolfiesAngelBear ( ) posted Tue, 18 April 2006 at 3:10 AM


Thanks for the suggestion, I may very well have to give that a try for vicki.


I am wanting to go for a more natural, realistic texture. This one was a first start, but would love to get better and have my textures look nice and maybe even be able to offer them to others when I feel comfortable with them. As for modeling, I have 3ds Max and pretty much know my way around it. I have tried a skirt tut, but when it came to trying to mesh smooth, I got a bit lost as it never turned out like it shows in the tut. So if that helps out any I would apperciate any ideas you can give.

Thanks again to both for your comments!!

xantor ( ) posted Tue, 18 April 2006 at 7:09 AM

The texture needs some variation to the colours, it looks like one colour to me, try getting some photos from the internet to use as references for making your texture.

WolfiesAngelBear ( ) posted Tue, 18 April 2006 at 5:21 PM


Yeah there was basically one color used, as that is how the tutorial explained to do it. Now there were shadows and highlights put on her as the tutoiral said, but I do agree she does still look a little plain.

diolma ( ) posted Wed, 19 April 2006 at 4:29 PM · edited Wed, 19 April 2006 at 4:33 PM

WolfiesAngelBear (May I call you WAB for short?) :

If all you want to do is change the predominant colour of an existing texture, that can (with a little practise) easily be done using the Materials Room. (The simplest example is "Apply Texture, then for each of the sub-components, change the Diffuse colour consistently).

However, if you really want to create a realistic "dark-skinned" character, there's a lot of work needed in a paint app, not least because of the difficulty in shading the palms of the hands and soles of the feet to a lighter, pinker colour. Trying to get that right is a nighmare!

As for clothing....
The easiest way is to get familiar with the Cloth Room.
And the easiest way to get started with that is to create a Poncho:
Create a fairly poly-dense square with a hole in the middle (wide enough that your figure's neck can comfortably fit through it).
In Poser, load your figure. Load the Poncho and position it (horizontally) above the shoulders. Make sure nothing intersects anywhere. Don't bother to pose the figure yet, this is just a trial...
In the Cloth Room, clothify the Poncho, set it to collide against your figure, and run the simulation.

All of the above is just to whet your appetite.
But you can (once you know the basics) get some amazing results from the cloth room...

Welcome to the Crazy and Addictive world of Poser..:-))

(After that comes conforming clothing. That another thing altogether, and much more demanding..)


WolfiesAngelBear ( ) posted Wed, 19 April 2006 at 5:52 PM


yes you can call me WAB for short :-) As for the skin, I am wanting to try and make my own textures, not just change them. I would love to be able to make my own characters for some of the different people already out there, such and viki, mike, maddie, matt, and maybe some of the older people also. I love some of the characters people have put out and I would like to be able to make some also.

As far as clothes, me and the cloth room does not get along at all....LOL. I have tried to do some work in there and it comes out to be a big mess. As stated before I have done a tutorial for a skirt in my modeling program, and all turns out not bad until I go to put a mesh smooth on it and then its from that point that all fails.

I know it all takes alot of practice and hard work, but I would love to be able to make some great things to offer to others and pay back the community for what they have given to the rest of us, and to also help those just starting out in the poser world. :-)

Thanks for the tips and I will have to give it more tires and see how things come out.


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