WolfiesAngelBear opened this issue on Apr 18, 2006 ยท 8 posts
diolma posted Wed, 19 April 2006 at 4:29 PM
WolfiesAngelBear (May I call you WAB for short?) :
If all you want to do is change the predominant colour of an existing texture, that can (with a little practise) easily be done using the Materials Room. (The simplest example is "Apply Texture, then for each of the sub-components, change the Diffuse colour consistently).
However, if you really want to create a realistic "dark-skinned" character, there's a lot of work needed in a paint app, not least because of the difficulty in shading the palms of the hands and soles of the feet to a lighter, pinker colour. Trying to get that right is a nighmare!
As for clothing....
The easiest way is to get familiar with the Cloth Room.
And the easiest way to get started with that is to create a Poncho:
Create a fairly poly-dense square with a hole in the middle (wide enough that your figure's neck can comfortably fit through it).
In Poser, load your figure. Load the Poncho and position it (horizontally) above the shoulders. Make sure nothing intersects anywhere. Don't bother to pose the figure yet, this is just a trial...
In the Cloth Room, clothify the Poncho, set it to collide against your figure, and run the simulation.
All of the above is just to whet your appetite.
But you can (once you know the basics) get some amazing results from the cloth room...
Welcome to the Crazy and Addictive world of Poser..:-))
(After that comes conforming clothing. That another thing altogether, and much more demanding..)