Forum: Carrara

Subject: Eovia To Make Announcement On April 25

bstockwell opened this issue on Apr 22, 2006 · 102 posts

mickmca posted Tue, 25 April 2006 at 5:28 PM

Actually, I have Vue 4 Pro, and I haven't used it enough yet to hit the bugs. For what I do, C5P with Ground Control was all the terrain tool I needed, so I had back-burnered upgrading to Vue 5 Infinite or whatever.

I've made a pretty heavy commitment to C5P, plus "buying" Hex 2.0, which is now DAZ vaporware (and that's a personal promise! Rilly!!!), so the transition to a program I can trust will entail a lot of mac and cheese. I guess it's time to revisit the freeware options, since I can't afford any of the first-rate commercial products.

I'll continue to use C5P, and if DAZ delivers a working Hex 2.0 for free as Eovia promised me I would get when I bought Hex 1.0 last week, I'll use those products mainly. At the DAZ forums, by the way, the buzz is that DAZ will NOT give free upgrades to Hex 1.0 purchasers, only to Pre-release Hex 2.0 purchasers. Maybe that's the same thing, but they aren't saying so. And if there's one thing you can trust DAZ to do, it's to find a way to make a pig's ear sound like a silk purse, even if it still stinks of hog flop. 

I hope the 5.1 patch is solid, because I won't pick up another C5P "update" without letting a lot of DAZzies try it first, and I went out and grabbed the Hex 1.21 download a few minutes ago. I wasn't concerned about having it when I actually believed that Hex 2.0 would be out by April 30. Now I assume it's the last meaningful change we're likely to see for a while. Those of you unfamiliar with DAZ as a software white knight should take a look at the unrevised history of the "release" of D|S, which was announced a few months after P5 hit the streets, driving one more calculated nail into the Curious Labs gurney. D|S had an alleged release date a few months later. The BETA, which they hastily revised history to call an ALPHA, came out, in part, two years late. And it was unusable junk for another year. Pray their monkeys don't get to type code for Hex 2.0.

I'll continue to use the programs, because I like what I have (C5P), orphaned or not, and because I can't afford the money or time to switch. What I won't do is put together the tutorials I was planning to write for CBasic (dead orphan?), introductory-level CP5 and, eventually, introductory Hex. No loss for DAZ, big waste of time for me. And it will be a long, long time before I go out on a limb to defend the integrity and quality of a software company again. It almost makes me want to cry that only last week I was posting on a number of forums what a great company Eovia was, especially their customer support and QA. My comparison above stands.