Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: virii alert

vikinglady opened this issue on Apr 26, 2006 ยท 26 posts

pleonastic posted Fri, 28 April 2006 at 8:14 AM

cureit is very good at cleaning up after an infection, and i'd feel pretty safe if it said it can't find anything anymore. do you know where you got the infected file? if you do, and you generally connect to their computer, you'll want to let them know that they're probably infected, and avoid connecting until they, too, have cleaned up. safest thing is to keep a couple of up-to-date virus scanners handy, and have copies of their executables on cd. some viruses (such as win32.polip here) go after the virus scanners, which screws you doubly because you can no longer trust them. if you're running p2p software, you should also run an active scanner that checks for stuff right when it comes down the pipe. same if you use an email program that is likely to execute all sorts of crapola on you.