Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: virii alert

vikinglady opened this issue on Apr 26, 2006 ยท 26 posts

Silke posted Fri, 28 April 2006 at 12:21 PM

You know the weird thing is, this is apparently/allegedly spread with P2P networks - which I don't use. (I'm paranoid enough as it is.) Pleonastic, good advice. But I'd go one further. If your virus scanner does not let you password protect itself from changes (any changes that is!) then throw the damn thing out of the window, like... now. (Nav does, Nod32 does) I found out my better (but sometimes not too bright) half went and turned mine off because a friend of his suggested to do this when installing the app he'd gotten, but which wouldn't run on his laptop (DUH same scanner, also pw protected but he couldn't remember what it was) so he went and installed it on mine, where he knew what the pw was... Which would have been fine. No problem. It was a genuine, legal, original CD app... but he "forgot" to turn the scanner back on after the install. Windows being windows... it hides system tray icons so I didn't really notice, since I don't reboot every five minutes. Or even days. Needless to say he does not get THIS password... The words I uttered at discovering his deed were not printable and I'm still wafting blue air out of the door.
