Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: virii alert

vikinglady opened this issue on Apr 26, 2006 · 26 posts

randym77 posted Sat, 29 April 2006 at 6:01 AM

So how are people being infected? 

From what I've heard, you have to actually run an infected EXE or SCR to get this.  I can't believe that all the people who have said they got hit - including some very computer-savvy types - ran random executables sent to them over the net. 

A lot of people suspect DAZ is the source.  I don't know if I buy that.  I ran CureIt and it didn't find anything, and I've downloaded and installed as much DAZ stuff as anyone the last few weeks. 

Still...if DAZ did get hit, oy.  People trust them and run their installers without without a qualm. 

I really wish they used zips like everyone else.