Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: virii alert

vikinglady opened this issue on Apr 26, 2006 · 26 posts

vikinglady posted Sat, 29 April 2006 at 2:48 PM

Quote - Okay I've been reading various forums about this virus and think only this Cureit will clean it up.  I have no reason to believe that my machine is infected, but since I buy and install quite a bit of Daz's content, I just want to make certain I don't have it lurking.  I read somewhere that I should install the Cureit program on a CD running from a known clean machine. 1Question:  How do I know a machine is clean?  2Question:  Do I have to uninstall my AV before installing Cureit?  I asked this because I don't really want to uninstall my AV.  I'm not at all computer savvy and I'm afraid if it does find "stuff"  I won't have what I need to get my computer working again if need be.  Any help would be appreciated.

Quote - 3Does cureit find the virus without downloading any other files?

I used cureit on a computer that doesn`t have an internet connection and I want to be sure that it worked without having to download any virus signatures etc.

1It's a catch22 question.  A machine never on the net & never been fed disc/floppy from the net.  Is a true clean machine. 

 2No, I have AVG running. 

3It is self contained. My firewall is set to ask permissions. It has not been activated by Cureit.

Downloading the Cureit file to your desktop and immediately running it is fastest.  It should not get infected itself in the that time.


This program repairs files.  I have read of only 6 files having to be replaced by the user since I first started this thread.  2 were on the OS disc and the others not specified.