Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: virii alert

vikinglady opened this issue on Apr 26, 2006 ยท 26 posts

arcady posted Fri, 05 May 2006 at 2:04 AM

cure-it found some 588 copies of the virus on my PC. Cured all but a few of them. I had to get a new copy of MAT pose edit, reinstall 'ACDsee' from my old CD archive, and I lost my 'digital Bible in multiple languages and versions' - but I've got an install CD for that too. Everything else seems good. I ran cure-it twice from a burned closed session CD, also ran bit-defender from the same CD, and installed 'avast anti-virus' from that CD. The CD was made on a clean computer that I used to download the apps. I got rid of norton antivirus. It was up to date the entire time, and if they were willing to drop the ball even after they knew about this virus, I don't need them anymore... And I've been a norton customer since my first PC. cure-it also found a stack of trojans and spyware, all of which spybot failed to find, and for some reason zone alarm had not blocked... On the list of actions that I suspect put me in that position, after avoiding it for almost 7 years, in late March I finally gave in and installed Realplayer... I figured, it's been years since they were exposed as the first people to use commercial spyware, surely by now they've cleaned up their act? Not so, as one of the trojans found was theirs... So that may come across as an accusation on my part, but it is certainly not an illogical hypothesis...

Truth has no value without backing by unfounded belief.
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