Is my answer ahahahaha;
The cleaning of optical surfaces, especially those of first-surface mirrors, is the most delicate and exacting task which the astronomer is called upon to perform. At the time of cleaning, a lens is most vulnerable to damage; damage which cannot be re paired. Yet if a telescope is to perform at its greatest potential, cleaning must be done time to time.
I have used the following method for over twenty-five years without adding a single scratch to the surface of my mirrors and lenses. It has the advantage of requiring only materials which are readily available at the neighborhood pharmacy or grocery store. The cost is less than twenty-five cents per cleaning.
First you must realize that usually the best advice on cleaning mirrors and lenses is.........DON'T DO IT. Dirt and grease which are adhering to the surface of mirrors and lenses may degrade image quality, but they will not damage the delicate optical surface until they are moved against it. Removing dirt without allowing it to rub against the underlying optical surface is what makes cleaning such a tricky task. If your mirrors and lenses are so dirty that they must be cleaned, then this is the way to do it:
- Blow all loose dirt off with "Dust Off" or another canned clean air product. (Available in camera stores.) Take care not to shake the can while you are using it, and be sure to release a little air before using it on the optical surface. This will assure that no liquid is dispensed to make things worse! You can use a rubber bulb for this purpose, but it is not nearly as effective.
- Prepare a VERY dilute solution of mild liquid detergent (e.g., Dawn). Use about 2 - 4 drops per liter (quart).
- Rinse the mirror off under a moderate stream of luke-warm water for two or three minutes. Test the temperature of the water with your wrist, just as you would when warming a baby's bottle.
- Make a number of cotton balls from a newly opened package of Johnson & Johnson sterile surgical cotton, U.S.P. Soak 2 or 3 balls in the detergent solution. Wipe the surface of the wet mirror with a circular motion, going first around the circumference, and then working your way towards the center. The only pressure on the cotton should be its own weight. For this first "wipe" you should use several fresh sets of cotton balls.
- Throw cotton balls away.
- Repeat process with new cotton balls, using a LITTLE more pressure.
- Rinse mirror thoroughly under tap, which has been kept running for this step.
- Rinse mirror with copious amounts of distilled water (do this no matter how clean or "hard" your tap water is).
- Set mirror on edge to dry, using paper towels to absorb the water which will all run to bottom of mirror. Keep replacing the paper towels as the mirror dries.
- If any beads of water do not run to bottom, blow them off with Dust Off, or the rubber bulb.
- Replace the mirror in its cell, being careful to keep all clips and supports so loose that the mirror can rattle in the cell if it is shook. (Perhaps .5 to l mm clearance).
- Spend the next month realigning your scope.
- If you do anything more than this, you will damage the coating, and maybe the glass.
- You should not have to clean an aluminized mirror more often than once per year. Do NOT over clean your optics.
This restriction means that the above procedure must be modified. Only the front surface can be cleaned. If you remove the cell from the telescope, you will be in big trouble. There are probably not more than 25 people in the United State s who can effectively collimate a refractor!
- Blow loose dirt off with Dust-Off or a rubber bulb, using the above precautions.
- Soak the cotton balls in a 50:50 solution of Windex (commercial glass cleaner containing ammonia) and water. Squeeze slightly so that the balls are not dripping wet.
- Wipe front lens surfaces with the wet cotton, using only the pressure of the weight of the cotton balls. Follow immediately with dry cotton, using little or no pressure.
- Repeat procedure, using slightly more pressure.
- If some cotton lint remains on surface, blow off with Dust-Off or rubber bulb.
- Repeat procedure if lens is not clean, but if one repeat does not do it give up and leave it as is.
- Inspect lens to make sure that no cleaning solution has found its way into the lens cell, or between the elements. If this has happened, leave the telescope with the lens uncovered in a warm room until it is dry.
Bonne lecture!!!!
LOL but it's thrue ;)