Forum: DAZ|Studio

Subject: virii alert

vikinglady opened this issue on Apr 26, 2006 ยท 7 posts

music2u4u posted Sat, 20 May 2006 at 8:52 PM

OMG!...This 32worm just destroyed my new Sony VAIO. The first thing it took out was my norton antivirus, then it took out my system restore so I could not go back to a point before it came in. I save all my Daz/poser .exes on disc and when I put a disk in and opened it, I could sit there and watch it crawl from one file to another. Trying to stop it, I could not keep up with the rate at which it was destroying. It would not let me eject the disk or shut down the computer, so I had no choice but to unplug it before it did too much damage....too late. In a matter of two or three minutes,it destroyed every program in my pooter...not just Daz/poser .exes,but many others as well. I am still finding disks with it on there. I can pinpoint about where I got it though if it helps anyone....I was surfing around from some links I got from the posergirls site links page that are all Japanese. I had heard that Japanese sites are famous for viruses and so I was being cautious. I came to a page where there was a large black square with some japanese writing and a toon graphic of a kitty cat. I do not read japanese so I don't know what it was saying but I felt like it was a redirect page or a 404 error page or something like that.My Norton poped up saying it was the Polip and quarenteened it. I deleted it but obviously it did not go away because two days later is when I was wiped out. The wipeout did not occur until I updated the micro Defs in my Norton...immediately after that is when The destruction started and two minutes later I was wipedout. I had to do a complete stripdown,format,and rebuild. I use Windows Media Edition on this computer...but I use Windows 98SE on my computer at work....WHICH IT ALSO DESTROYED!!!!!! because I have a cd disk I use to transfer my work between home and work. It rode in on that disk and got into THAT computer as well. It has been a nightmare for me and I can only say...whoever you are that created this worm....SHAME,SHAME,SHAME!!!...God will get you for it and all the innocent people you hurt with it. You are a worthless P.O.S.(pardon my Japanese!)...anyway thanks for the link to a possible fix for it...I will get it. YOU...are an angel!