Forum: Community Center

Subject: Yellow Stars in Forums

Anniebel opened this issue on Jun 06, 2006 ยท 37 posts

williamsn posted Tue, 06 June 2006 at 3:28 PM

Actually, each icon separately totals to only eight different icons. Worst case scenario, your browser is loading eight icons once each page. Most likely, your browser is cashing them and keeping the files on your side. But the icons are so small that, given the slowest dial-up modem, and the worst-case scenario of reloading them each page, they would only add a couple of seconds to your page load. As far as functionality, they will not be changing at this time. Once the conversion is finished, we will re-evaluate the load that having 1 million threads multiplied by 30,000 active forum members (30 billion reads) will put on the database server. Most likely, we will not be changing the way they work at all. N
