Forum: Community Center

Subject: Yellow Stars in Forums

Anniebel opened this issue on Jun 06, 2006 ยท 37 posts

williamsn posted Tue, 06 June 2006 at 3:39 PM

I routinely see more than 1,000 on at a time. The other day I saw 2300-something, and I'm not talking about the community side, I'm talking about the forum side. But I wasn't referring to 30,000 simultaneous users. I'm talking about 30,000 members who have been in the forums in the last few months at one time or another. And the exact number is 35,016. Just the other day it was only 33,000-something. And they do function properly, according to the way we programmed it to work. They may not function they way you believe they should, but they are functioning properly. If you click that you have read a forum, you will see all the stars change. Then if any new threads or replies appear, those threads will be marked by "new" icons. N
