Forum: Community Center

Subject: Yellow Stars in Forums

Anniebel opened this issue on Jun 06, 2006 ยท 37 posts

Bobasaur posted Wed, 07 June 2006 at 9:05 AM

@ Anniebel By typing this: a.forum_threadname_link:visited, a.forum_threadname_link:active { font-size:12px; color:#FF0000; } into the "My Style" box on my "Member Options" page I've enabled my read threads to immediately turn red after I read them. That has made a tremendous difference in the forum's ease of use for me. I agree that I'd prefer not to have to type anything anywhere to do that but it's an easy fix to accomodate the fact that the universe doesn't run in accordance with my desires. Unfortunately I still haven't found what I need to type into which box to fix all the politicians out there. I'd love to make it so they turn red immediately after they've lied. [grin]

Before they made me they broke the mold!