Forum: Community Center

Subject: WTF - forums

Incarnadine opened this issue on Jun 15, 2006 · 45 posts

TrekkieGrrrl posted Fri, 16 June 2006 at 1:11 AM

My guess is they haven't lost enough money to care about it. Not yet at least.

People snicker and laugh and point at Rosity, but in essense, all they do is mention the site over and over again. Even bad publicity is better than NO publicity. And people go to Rosity to see what all the fuss is about. And once they're there... they may see a banner that interests them, even without the intentions of buying anything... and... Voilá - another customer sucked in ;o)

That said, it is really becoming old, this perpetual changing and breaking down and somewhat working and whatnot. At the moment the galleries seem to be down again, and the only way I can find to GET there is to go to Free Stuff and click the My Gallery in the drop down there. The link at the top of all the other pages is a dead link to the old gallery. Either that or dig up one of my previous posts and click my link in my signature (since I've changed that to the new gallery server)

That is, I could go to the gallery that way if it wasn't for the fact that they're down. AGAIN!

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You just can't put the words "Poserites" and "happy" in the same sentence - didn't you know that? LaurieA
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