Forum: Community Center

Subject: WTF - forums

Incarnadine opened this issue on Jun 15, 2006 · 45 posts

bogwoppet posted Fri, 16 June 2006 at 7:18 AM

Renderosity has moved into suicide mode. Why are they dropping all these subtle hints - why not just tell us to all clear off and spend our money elsewhere?  On average I spend around $3000 per year here but I'm not spending another penny until this mess is cleaned up.

I too feel sorry for the merchants - this must be their worst nightmare. And take a look at all of the top artists who are saying goodbye - the site will run fast soon because there will be no members on it!

How can the management allow this to happen? This is supposed to be a professional business not a hobbyist site. I bet the other sites in our community are laughing their socks off and so they should. The poor moderators have got their hands full and I wouldn't want their jobs right now - they're getting the stick for things way out of their control. We know it's not your fault but we have to moan at someone and you happen to be in the line of fire but we do appreciate your work..

I am quite a patient person but enough is enough!

Nothing works here - take the site down for a week and fix it.