Forum: Community Center

Subject: WTF - forums

Incarnadine opened this issue on Jun 15, 2006 ยท 45 posts

cliff-dweller posted Fri, 16 June 2006 at 7:27 AM

bogwoppet wrote:

Quote -I too feel sorry for the merchants - this must be their worst nightmare. And take a look at all of the top artists who are saying goodbye - the site will run fast soon because there will be no members on it!

Yes, when I was trying to look at the new releases in the store earlier, everytime I clicked on a thumbnail it didn't take me to the product page...just a dumb 404 Error page...grrrrrrr

I haven't been able to even get back into the galleries, so I haven't heard about artists who are leaving...can you fill us in? who's leaving??

Check out my full gallery at Cliff-Dweller Artworks