Forum: Community Center

Subject: WTF - forums

Incarnadine opened this issue on Jun 15, 2006 · 45 posts

cliff-dweller posted Fri, 16 June 2006 at 9:34 AM

**pearce wrote:**

Quote -
p.s. why does cliff-dweller write really, really tiny like he/she's whispering? :D

Oh, that's just toooo funny!! :lol: I'm really sorry about that...didn't realize that's what's been happening. Yesterday I spent quite a bit of time fiddling with the darn CSS coding to try to make the really tiny font (which seems to be the default size for the whole site now) bigger when I view it. Anyway, when I viewed it my forum post is actually larger than the original post by bogwoppet (not a criticism of bogwoppet, just the darn system) on pic to see what I mean...anyway, my apologies...hope this entry is better 😊

Most of the time, the forum entries as I see them are made larger by the CSS settings I've changed in my profile, but some of them still come through in this itsy-bitsy tiny font that I find very hard to read after awhile. If anyone can suggest how I can fix that on my end (I have my browser's text size way up, too, but that doesn't seem to affect it at all...must be hard-coded or whatever the right term is)...

anyway, again...sorry 'bout that...Jen (definitely a "she" 😄)

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