Forum: Community Center

Subject: One For Admins RE: Gallery preview

thefixer opened this issue on Jun 16, 2006 · 31 posts

cliff-dweller posted Fri, 16 June 2006 at 10:09 AM

IO4 wrote:

Quote - I totally agree - it was much better when you just had the tumbnail in the general gallery to click on and that took you to the full size image. When alot of time and effort has been spent creating and image one wants it to be seen at it's best.  Is there any way the Rendro team could change this?

Yep, I really feel strongly about this...more than anything else they've changed here...and I agree 100% with all of you.

"Is there any way the Rendro team could change this?" The answer is certain "YES" they *could...*it's just a question as to whether they will listen to the members...members who have been virtually unanimous in their strong criticism of this new "feature."

Check out my full gallery at Cliff-Dweller Artworks