Forum: Community Center

Subject: One For Admins RE: Gallery preview

thefixer opened this issue on Jun 16, 2006 ยท 31 posts

modus0 posted Fri, 16 June 2006 at 10:46 AM

But PJF's script compromise doesn't cause any problems with the tables, and yet still allows full-size images instead of their resized ones, so I'm not buying that "no way around it because of the tables" BS.

The only thing it does do (besides what it's intended to) is force the web page borders closer to the edge of the browser for those people using a screen resolution higher than whatever the PTB have decided as the max width for everything on this site instead of an auto width setup that works for everyone and doesn't leave white spaces on both sides for those with higher screen resolutions.


If you're joking that's just cruel, but if you're being sarcastic, that's even worse.