Forum: Community Center

Subject: Image Resizing is really NOT a good idea

SeanE opened this issue on Jun 14, 2006 · 183 posts

SeaCrystal posted Fri, 16 June 2006 at 4:47 PM

Having to  "click"  on an image "again" to see the "original image size and quality" is a waste of my time.. I sincerely hope that this feature be disabled by Renderosity.  I like many of the new changes, but certainly do not like the resizing of images. It's disturbing to most artist, (which BTW is R'osity's main CASH FLOW ) since most of us view the merchants images and then buy what we see. .it would be my guess that the MONEY spent in the Market Place  will start to be  'DOWNSIZED' if this doesn't get resolved...  

Thanks to PJF for all the CSS help..  At least I figured out enough of  it to get that white background turned OFF, and thanks to Cliff-Dweller for the link to this forum thread..

Imagination is the highest kite one can fly...