Forum: Community Center

Subject: One For Admins RE: Gallery preview

thefixer opened this issue on Jun 16, 2006 ยท 31 posts

thefixer posted Sat, 17 June 2006 at 2:35 AM

OK, I've just picked up on something here: Apparently; correct me if I'm wrong! I can edit some script and a click on my thumb will give the correct image size rather than this crappy preview, Is that right?

If that's right, how in the hell am I supposed to do that? Do you have to know programming? I looked at a whole page of stuff before that looked like a lot of symbols and words, a bit like Hieroglyphics really!!!

If that is how you are going to deal with this preview thing instead of dumping it in the bin where it belongs then may I humbly suggest you put a tute on how to disable this feature and if you have already done a tute can you tell me where it is!


Injustice will be avenged.
Cofiwch Dryweryn.