Forum: Community Center

Subject: Image Resizing is really NOT a good idea

SeanE opened this issue on Jun 14, 2006 · 183 posts

TallPockets posted Sat, 17 June 2006 at 5:12 PM

Note:  As a first time, baby boomer user of a p.c., I appreciate the hard work of PJF and all others trying to give fixes to said imaging problems. However, it is way over my pay grade and many others.  WINK.

UNTIL, IF and WHEN it appears the powers to be at this site decide against fixing the main problem entrirely, I will sit back and watch all this go by with both a smile and a wince.

I simply think it a most sad state when people have to be part time programmers in order to view marvelous artworks online.

"I was born in a revolving door and I've been pushed around ever since" . SMILE. T.P.