Forum: Community Center

Subject: One For Admins RE: Gallery preview

thefixer opened this issue on Jun 16, 2006 · 31 posts

firestorm posted Sun, 18 June 2006 at 2:22 AM

Quote - > Quote - Question though: Is this how it's supposed to work?  Do the PTB expect people to fiddle with scripts like this to get it how they want?

To a certain extent, yes. That's the nature of democracy - it requires effort. ;-)

I'm sorry, but this has nothing to do with democracy but more to do with "product and customer support"......the product you'll have provided is not satisfactory to the customer....

is it too much trouble to have a sticky created with the css code and the relevant lines highlighted so that we can then make changes as we need....remember that not all of us are programers/ this early stage a little bit of hand holding will be necessary.

it would be helpful if this is done for the forum css as well




Pictures appear to me, I shoot them.   Elliot Erwitt