Forum: Community Center

Subject: Image Resizing is really NOT a good idea

SeanE opened this issue on Jun 14, 2006 · 183 posts

drawbridgep posted Mon, 19 June 2006 at 8:37 AM

Not sure if it's been mentioned, but having a thumbnail, an intermediate and the full size image are exactly the same way that CGTalk and DAZ3d display their galleries.    I don't think there was big fuss about that, mainly becasue that's the way it always was. 

However, they both actually resize the intermediate as a separate file rather than getting the browser to do it in order to save bandwidth.   Rosity's solution to this was cheap and nasty and something a personal website wouldn't even consider.

There seem to be two issues here:   (a)  people don't like change.  If we had always had an intermediate file, then there wouldn't be any issue.   and (b)  the cheap and nasty way they've done it.

However, the CSS fix works and it's a simple and elegant solution.  If rosity now go the CGTALK and DAZ route of having a third file, we're all (even the ones who are happy with the CSS tweak) going to have to hit an extra mouse click in order to see the original.

So yes, it was a shortsighted mistake to use a browser resize, but to those who aren't going to add the tweak out of principal, please don't make them consider having a third file, 'cause that's just going to screw those who are now happy with the tweak all over again and will still piss off the anti-extra click crowd..

Phillip Drawbridge