Forum: Community Center

Subject: Image Resizing is really NOT a good idea

SeanE opened this issue on Jun 14, 2006 ยท 183 posts

hewee posted Mon, 19 June 2006 at 7:39 PM

Be nice if we can click on the thumbnail and if we then click on the image we have setup in the new setting you say we will have and I will pick full screen. That after seeing the full image it close when we click on it. No you have to click a thumbnail and it opens in a new window and then you have to click again to see the full image and that window open off set you you have to move it over to see it right. Then after seeing it you can close it. But you still have the other image to close before going back to the thumbnail page. Are you going to have it so it is like it used to be where we can just click on a thumbnail one to open the full image and then click on it again to close it?