Forum: Community Center

Subject: Information on the resizing images issue....

StaceyG opened this issue on Jun 19, 2006 · 148 posts

Giolon posted Mon, 19 June 2006 at 10:45 PM

Hi Stacey!

This is absolutely WONDERFUL news!  I can't understand the negativity in this thread when you gave us exactly what we asked for.  I just want to say thank you so much for listening to our issues and working to make change happen (see? change can be good people!).  All and all I like the new gallery set up a lot and this new set of options is the only big complaint I had left.  A

lso, thank you for spending so much time to swat flames and respond so quickly on the forums over the past week.  There has been some real downright nastiness that I've tried to avoid, and I feel that you guys at Rendo' have handled it extremely professionally.

I look forward to seeing how the rest of the site comes together through the transition. :)


P.S. Props to the programmers and the rest of the people at Rendo' for going back and making things the way they should be.


¤~ RadiantCG ~¤~ My Renderosity Gallery ~¤