Forum: Community Center

Subject: Information on the resizing images issue....

StaceyG opened this issue on Jun 19, 2006 · 148 posts

UVDan posted Tue, 20 June 2006 at 2:13 PM Forum Moderator

Quote - > Quote - I just pray that it does not slow things down any more than they already are.

How is this slow? They've been running really fast for the past few days. N

Since the first day of the changeover my browser (Mozilla) has been crashing at Renderosity.  Many times I have to Ctrl Alt Delete to shut it down and start all over again.  Today seems to be running exceptionally fine, but there are times I spend an hour online to reply to one or two posts.  This does not happen at other sites like which is also a large site, but loads much quicker for me and does not crash my Mozilla.

I realize that part of my system slowness is the fact that I am using AOHell.  They are a bunch of arrogant bastards when it comes to customer service.  I am trying to find a DSL or Cable  internet provider in my area of East Mesa, Arizona,  but it seems that nobody wants to service my area unless I pay a hundred bucks a month for bundled services. 

I am sorry if I have hurt your feelings.   I realize that I am an extreme minority now and everybody else is cruising the internet happiness highway while I am broke down along the side of the road watching the buzzards circling overhead while I ponder eating pieces of my own rotting flesh.

I keep hoping that some system guru will see my posts and respond with some magical internet setting that will catapult my internet experience into the 21st century.  I have upgraded everything on my machine to the tune of 300 bucks in the last month or so.  Now I am about to install the latest Creative Modem Blaster because my current modem does not have signed XP Pro drivers.

Free men do not ask permission to bear arms!!