Forum: Community Center

Subject: No ebots at all

Adavyss opened this issue on Jun 18, 2006 ยท 214 posts

Hedda posted Wed, 21 June 2006 at 8:14 PM

I get an ebot about some of my favorite artists upload an image, but very often I do not get any,- but can see them in the "whats new" section that they have uploaded. I also saw 1 hour ago that 82 people had me in their favorite artist list, now when I looked it says only 30. So 52 people have deleted me from their favorite artist list in 1 hour??? :tongue1: maybe that's the reason I do not get any ebots,- maybe the favorite artists I have are beeing deleted from time to time? I really don't understand anything of this, and I know that bout 70-80 persons shouls be more spesific than 30, cause I always recieved an ebot before when someone added me to their list.