Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: OT- Anyone following this Network Neutrality stuff coming before the Senate??

Darboshanski opened this issue on Jun 21, 2006 · 17 posts

Darboshanski posted Thu, 22 June 2006 at 9:47 AM

The United States constitution defines our form of government as a representative democracy. Informed, aware citizens elect congressional representatives, a president,  and vice-president who are to "establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity." That does not mean elect me to office, make lots of money and igonr those who elected me.


Unfortunately I agree with much of your statment but let's break this down:

" Americans don't care about freedom; they care about HDTV."
To some degree this is true. But I think the MAJORITY, note I said majority NOT all, of American's do not have the hint of what true freedom is and what it's really about. To many true freedom is the ablity to choose what ring tone they want on their cell phone. Freedom in this country is taken PAST for granted.

"They don't love liberty; they love pictures of Christina Aquilera contemplating fellatio."
Again another good point. But again just like with freedom the average American has no concept of this either. It too is taken past "for granted" They are much too busy worrying about what the next Surivior, big Brother or other mindless series is going to contain. Most wonder around in their own little universe detached from reality. "Oh but Micheál reality bites!" Yes my boy it really does and ignoring it just makes it worse.

"They don't hate terrorists, they just like beating people up."
Hmmm, I don't know about this one. I feel most Americans do not tolerate bullies. However between government BS and the media pukes the term "terrorist" has become cloudy. IN fact if many of the framers of our Consititution were alive today they would be considered "terrorists".

"They don't care about the downtrodden unless it's them,"
There are many Americans who are very much part of programs and organizations to help the poor and needy. However the numbers are small. This nation is becoming, if it hasn't already, a "ME" nation. "It's all about me, my world, I'm much too self absorbed to notice my environment around me. It's not affecting me so why should I care?" Until something happens to them and then the world needs to stop and take notice.

"and they don't have the courage to stand up for their own rights if it might mean trouble."
So very true!!! But again, between the government and the media pukes many Americans are trained to think that doing this is a crime. That it makes them "Un-American" to speak out against the government. But doing this also mean a degree of discomfort  and a little self sacifice and Americans do not like either of those.

"Timothy McVeigh understood that, however reprehensible his response to the realization."
Ah yes Timothy. I can understand having an axe to grind agaist the government, boy do I ever, but don't take it out on inocent people. Take it out on the ones who are really responsible. First, carrying out operations on inocent people does nothing but hurt inocent people. Second, the guys in D.C. could really give a rats ass who is taken hostage, blown up or executed as long as their fat ass is not in any danger. This is the one thing about "terrorists" I don't understand why mess with people that have no say in policy? The government surely does not care how many die. Which leads to beleive that these "terrorists" do not care about a cause, they just want to be assholes.

"And read Vidal's notes on the framing of McVeigh, if you think we ever had a free press."
Free press? a joke, smoke and mirrors, bent facts for ratings. The press is a better oiled machine than Hitler or Stalin could have ever dreamed of as far a propaganda machine.
Media pukes could care less about truth and fact in reporting. It's all about careers and fame and being a mouth piece for some politcal party. That is why I was always pleased when command would shut them down and put them in media puke pools and limit them to un-restricted areas.

"Give the masses their naked Vickies, and they won't care if you lynch somebody else in the alleys. That is America, and I'm so pleased to be leaving soon."

Sorry to hear you're leaving but as with all places there are pros and cons. But in some ways you are right to a degree. As long as "ME" gets what "ME" wants without making "ME" uncomfortable. I don't give a damn what happens to anyone else as long as it's not "ME".

"Enjoy. I expect our Fristian PTBs will delete this in a few minutes."
If they didn't then they will now....LOL! I know I'm done with the subject.

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