Forum: Community Center

Subject: Sexist programmers ???

gillbrooks opened this issue on Jun 22, 2006 ยท 65 posts

KarenJ posted Thu, 22 June 2006 at 10:29 AM

That may have been the case historically, Nic, but since we're no longer considered chattel and actually get to vote, most of us these days tend to prefer equal treatment. :rolleyes:

Besides which it looks rather silly receiving an ebot which says "Karen has added your image to his favourite list..."

Several alternatives which don't require a pronoun:
"Your image was added to favourites by XXX"
"XXX added your image as a favourite"
"Your image was added to XXX's favourite images list"

"you are terrifying
and strange and beautiful
something not everyone knows how to love." - Warsan Shire