Forum: Community Center

Subject: Information on the resizing images issue....

StaceyG opened this issue on Jun 19, 2006 · 148 posts

pearce posted Thu, 22 June 2006 at 5:25 PM

Quote - Actually, the one anoying thing in the past was people uploading these 500kB images that could  easily have been compressed to about 100MB, without sacrificing pixel size and pixel quality.  There is no reason why a typical 600 x 800 pixel image should be more than 120kB, and still look good and sharp.

It's a broadband thing. There's a tendency not to bother to be aware of dial-up delays anymore. An update to Parkinson's Law for the IT age could be, "Filesize expands to fill the bandwidth available for its download" (Bloater's Law?)

So although it's faster, it just as slow in the long run ;o)