Forum: Community Center

Subject: Information on the resizing images issue....

StaceyG opened this issue on Jun 19, 2006 · 148 posts

TerraDreamer posted Fri, 23 June 2006 at 1:02 PM

Quote - Until BROADBAND is affordably available to everyone, noone should assume everyone has it.

In many U.S. markets, dial-up is actually priced higher than DSL.  Perhaps you meant to say "readily" available.  According to Nielsen/NetRatings, nearly 75% of U.S. households now use some form of high-speed broadband, which is up from 57% just one year ago, likely due to introductory pricing.  The remaining holdouts are those who are so remote as to not have broadband (and Satellite Internet install and the monthly fee is rather high) and people on AOL dial-up who have never even heard of broadband, but don't really require it because all they do is e-mail their kids twice a month.  Not to say AOL users are idiots, I use them as the example as they do have the largest share of dial-up users.  Of course, there are those on the low end of the tier where all they can afford is butchered 56k Internet at $9.95 a month.  But honestly, I can't see these discount ISPs having much life left.

With 28% and dropping of users at only 56k, it is rather difficult to remember those at such speeds and this is why you see image sizes growing much larger.  One tends to become spoiled rather quickly.  A 512k image is nothing to a DSL, cable or FiOS user.

