Forum: Community Center

Subject: Sexist programmers ???

gillbrooks opened this issue on Jun 22, 2006 ยท 65 posts

modus0 posted Fri, 23 June 2006 at 2:11 PM

Quote - And how nearly every being in the universe is humanoid in form -- with slight variations on their ridged noses?

Actually, they kind of explained than in a TNG episode, seems an ancient precursor race (humanoid of course) seeded the galaxy with genetic material similar to theirs, which means every humanoid species in Star Trek has a common ancestor.

i've got an idea, how about we torture the programmers so that every other ebot uses the opposite gender than the previous?

So one time you'll get an email using "he" and the next one will use "she". There's the possibility that it'll still be the wrong gender sometimes, but since Renderosity will be using both gender designations equally, no one can complain that the site is sexist.


If you're joking that's just cruel, but if you're being sarcastic, that's even worse.