Forum: Community Center

Subject: Sexist programmers ???

gillbrooks opened this issue on Jun 22, 2006 · 65 posts

tainted_heart posted Sun, 25 June 2006 at 4:47 PM

Quote - I've always wondered how it was possible for an alien with copper-based blood to interbreed with a human with iron-based blood?

Perhaps there was some genetic trait in common that allowed this since, in the Star Trek mythology the universe had been seeded with common genetic material.

Quote - And how every being in the universe speaks perfect late 20th/early 21st century American-style English?

Must have been the Universal Translators that were frequently seen in episodes and were often mentioned.

Quote - And how a woman with a voice which sounds like she has a 3-pack-a-day habit could possibly be around to be a starship captain in the 'perfectly politically correct future' which the Star Trek mythos envisions -- after all, surely every smoker will have long since been taken out & shot by then?

Although actress Kate Mulgrew was, at one time, a smoker, there is no evidence that Captain Janeway was ever a smoker. Janeway became a starship captain as a result of her ability and proven performance.



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