Forum: Community Center

Subject: Sexist programmers ???

gillbrooks opened this issue on Jun 22, 2006 ยท 65 posts

williamsn posted Sun, 25 June 2006 at 5:09 PM

Quote - Perhaps there was some genetic trait in common that allowed this since, in the Star Trek mythology the universe had been seeded with common genetic material.

They didn't interbreed. With the help of a team of a dozen scientists, Spock was created thanks to the help of invitro fertilization and genetic engineering from genetic material provided by his mother and father. They were not capable of naturally creating a healthy child. > Quote - Must have been the Universal Translators that were frequently seen in episodes and were often mentioned.

Yes, it was the translators. > Quote - Although actress Kate Mulgrew was, at one time, a smoker, there is no evidence that Captain Janeway was ever a smoker. Janeway became a starship captain as a result of her ability and proven performance.

