Forum: Community Center

Subject: Sexist programmers ???

gillbrooks opened this issue on Jun 22, 2006 ยท 65 posts

Faery_Light posted Mon, 26 June 2006 at 10:23 PM Online Now!

Political correctness sometimes gets to me! I hate it when someone says I'm vertically challanged..LOL. And no, you can't always tell by a name if someone is male or female, we had an insurance man named Beverly. The US gave a woman trouble years back because she refused to be drafted into the army...her name was James (this was when they still had a draft). I think it would be better using one of these Karen mentioned as well..." Your image was added to favourites by XXX" "XXX added your image as a favourite" "Your image was added to XXX's favourite images list"

Let me introduce you to my multiple personalities. :)