Forum: Community Center

Subject: Information on the resizing images issue....

StaceyG opened this issue on Jun 19, 2006 · 148 posts

Lyne posted Thu, 29 June 2006 at 9:10 PM

Has it been addressed in this some of these pages how when I choose to look at the gallery images at their original large size - the words written by the artist under the picture jump to the left in a very narrow column.

I have always had my links column for renderosity in general on the right hand side of the screen.  Does this have anything to do with how the words under the gallery images are appearing?

I am really pleased to find a way to view the pictures without having to click and resize and click to close.  This is a great relief.  Thank you very much! Now just to find a way to deal with how the words appear. 

I do have my script set to show larger font sizes in the forum and gallery area because otherwise I cannot read it.  That may be the other reason that the artist's words get scrunched up?

Oh and thank you also for having an option to turn off the silly balloon pop ups over the thumbnails.  :-)

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