Forum: Photography

Subject: " straight & constructive comments "

tofi opened this issue on Jul 26, 2006 · 24 posts

Margana posted Wed, 26 July 2006 at 8:12 PM

Hi Dana,

I have to agree whole-heartedly with Richard...who once again, is most eloquent at expressing his opinion.

The gallery offers a wide range of experience for us all.It is up to you to make it what you would like it to be.I've been here over a year,and this is what I've learned...If you want critique you must be prepared to give it ,or state it boldly in your notes....If you want many comments you must be prepared to give's really quite simple.It may be wrong,but that is simply how it works.

Like Michel,those of us who get more comments and viewings than others, can also use our own exposure to help those whose work is less noticed...(  Michel,by the way,I applaud you for that.If I knew how to do that linky thing,I would do it,too. PS I'm trying to learn...)

There are other sites Dana,where only strict critique is allowed.You may find that suitable for you.But let me say,that I recently visited one,and there are other issues that 'pop up' in such an environment.At that particular site,there is a wonderfully written article by MJR,(who used to post here at RR)...and in it he discusses the ups and downs of that site...some of which involve site politics and harrassing people for uploading but not commenting enough.It seems you are expected to comment on a certain number of pics before you even upload yourself.If you don't adhere,you are flamed...Just some food for thought.

No one makes anyone comment,here.You do it if you want to.You upload when you want to...and there are no consequences.

This just so happens to work well for me.I don't need additional pressure in my life.Life has enough on it's plate for me,lol. So,I upload when I want, I comment when I want and if I want serious critique,I ask for it...because whenever I have,I have received it. That's all.Simple. I think people make waaaaaaaaaaaay too much of this commenting thing.

That's all I have to say.I hope you ultimately find what you are looking for.I'm sure eventually you will find something that suits you,whether that is here,or somewhere else.Either way,all my best to you. You are and will be an asset to any community you participate in. :^)

PS- Just as an aside,I like keeping in 'touch' with people through they're uploads. I enjoy hearing back from them,too...and I don't see anything wrong with that. For me,that is one of the more enjoyable aspects of this site....the 'friends' I've made...and that is the sense of 'community' that has been described,here,at least as far as I see it.


Marlene <")

Marlene S. Piskin Photography
My Blog

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