Forum: Community Center

Subject: Chat room failure

vikinglady opened this issue on Jul 25, 2006 ยท 13 posts

diolma posted Thu, 27 July 2006 at 4:35 PM

I can't even get into the chat room here (I'm not worried, just curious about the chat room).
The reason I can't get in is 'cos every time I click on "chat", I get a screen saying I need to load a plugin. (Jigsaw piece, with "click here to get the plugin" underneath).
So I click. And wait, and wait, and wait (and in the status bar it's saying "Waiting for Netscape.whatever)

Using SeaMonkey (new name for Mozilla).

If I need to use IE to use chat, then I'm not going to bother. (IE = Invasion Entrance).
