Forum: Community Center

Subject: A positive thread

drawbridgep opened this issue on Jun 16, 2006 · 56 posts

TallPockets posted Sat, 09 September 2006 at 4:58 AM

Posted Sat, Jun 17, 2006 3:51 am (Williamsn) ....

Yea it's really good to read this thread lol. I believe this is the last one I will read before I go to bed.

I'm sorry we've all been having issues the last several days. What made everything suck even more is that as SOON as the conversion was finished, we encountered multiple server issues that were in no way even related to the galleries ... they just all happened to happen at the same time. It really sucked.

WILLIAMSN: Hello, kind soul. May I ask, "IS the 'changeover/conversion' STILL ongoing as of this date I now type? By your above remarks, it 'appears' that it is ALREADY COMPLETED?

Yet, we all keep hearing that the 'changeover' now will be finished in approximately another two to four weeks? 

Have you converted or not yet?

StaceyG told me, in response to my question, a few days ago, that the conversion 'should' be done in about 2-4 weeks. From YOUR perspective and expertise, is that a fair statement as YOU see it?

I also get the feeling that poor, StaceyG has been 'stuck' in the middle of all this mess trying her best to 'answer' people's honest questions and she has been not really given much 'specific' information to pass along to members other than, "IT WILL BE FIXED .... SOON".

I ran a few companies in my day. LORD knows, there are MANY more MUCH brighter than I.

However, I cannot in my wildest dreams, ever imagine myself telling my boss/owner when asked for  'progress dates' regarding his business dealings, etc,, "Boss, it'll be done SOON". LOL.

SOON would have lasted ONE meeting. Bye Bye, TallPockets. Find yourself another job. LOL.

GOD bless you and yours,
