Forum: Community Center

Subject: A positive thread

drawbridgep opened this issue on Jun 16, 2006 ยท 56 posts

TallPockets posted Sat, 09 September 2006 at 5:02 AM

P.S. TO WILLIAMSN: Awhile back I posted in this forum about 'issues' with the forums 'stalling' or 'freezing' up while I tried to use them.

You told me that I should 'upgrade' my browse from the current Netscape 7.2 to Netscape 8.0 to fix this issue. I did so. Same issue, still.

So, I now upgraded to Netscape 8.1. Same issue, still.

Help? LOL .....

NOTE 2: QUESTION: Williamsn:

When this site is 'completed' regarding said 'changeover', WILL it ACTUALLY be FASTER as so proclaimed loudly by you and yours?

Thanks, in advance, for any/all help.

My best, TallPockets.