Forum: Community Center

Subject: A positive thread

drawbridgep opened this issue on Jun 16, 2006 ยท 56 posts

TallPockets posted Tue, 19 September 2006 at 6:44 PM

NOTE 2: QUESTION: Williamsn:

When this site is 'completed' regarding said 'changeover', WILL it ACTUALLY be FASTER as so proclaimed loudly by you and yours?

Thanks, in advance, for any/all help.

My best, TallPockets. (POSTED ABOVE, SEPT. 9TH) ....

WILLIAMSN: Hello, kind soul. Given the results of the latest ''speed site poll'' , it would appear this site is 'not' faster, at least to this point in time.

Would you most kindly care, or have someone else in the know kindly care, to answer my 10 day old honest question?

To repeat, after the said changeover is 'completed', will this site actually be 'faster' as touted?

In another thread now running, StaceyG seemed to be stating that this site 'is' running faster, even to this point? The above 'speed site poll' seems to state otherwise.

My best to you and yours,
