Forum: Community Center

Subject: A positive thread

drawbridgep opened this issue on Jun 16, 2006 · 56 posts

TallPockets posted Tue, 19 September 2006 at 8:13 PM

"In another thread now running, StaceyG seemed to be stating that this site 'is' running faster, even to this point? The above 'speed site poll' seems to state otherwise."  (TallPockets -- above post).

Dear StaceyG: Hello again, kind soul. I understood what you said prior.  Thus, my words, even to this point.

However, from my perspective and from that of many others so noted in posted comments, IM's between myself and them and this site's, speed site polls, this most wonderful site is not running faster.

Even to this point ....

LORD knows I would love to be able to tell you from my end it 'is' running even faster to this point in time. It just is not. I don't know how I, or anyone else also similarly commenting/posting, can be any clearer on such statements?

I am comparing this site, at this point in time, to what it 'used to be'. For me.

If all the other, numerous sites (artistic sites among them) had the same 'slowness' in comparisons for me, I would say 'all' my stuff is 'slower' to this point. That is not the case, though.

Without fail, almost all the other sites I visit, just prior to and immediately after, I visit this most wonderful site, do much better in speed of use. That's about as succinct and clear as I can try to explain the view from my little perch on this earth.

I once again most kindly refer back to the speed site poll this site began. By far, it says this site is slower than most all other sites. Still. It is not only me so saying such. I am, however, the one posting. I have received IM's from others so stating such and thanking me for my postings regarding this topic. Thus, my continued endeavors.

 It is not my intent to make yours, or anyone's day, miserable.  We just keep hearing the site speed is better, even to this point. While, your own site speed polls (last count over 350 persons who so responded to it) so state otherwise. SIGH.

Most respectfully,
