Forum: Community Center

Subject: A positive thread

drawbridgep opened this issue on Jun 16, 2006 · 56 posts

billy423uk posted Tue, 19 September 2006 at 8:24 PM

god must have blessed me lol

i find the speed comparable to all the others i view. has anyone actually  done a benchmark test and is it possible to do. the trouble with pols is we state often state our opinions or what we percieve a fact to be rather than what it is. ....not saying thats the case with you  tall pockes or anyone else. but it maybe why 350 say it's slow....and maybe theirs a 1000 members out there who think it's faster but never took the poll. my daughter works in market research and she told me you have to take into account that more people will voice a negatative than a positive reaction to a given question because it gives a person more of a sense of control if they complain...maybe i shouldn't have said that lmao
