Forum: Community Center

Subject: Main Chat room and trying to get in

vikinglady opened this issue on Sep 29, 2006 · 3 posts

vikinglady posted Fri, 29 September 2006 at 1:50 PM

Attempting to connect...

Connected to host successfully.

vikinglady has entered the room

x8ui says:

vikinglady says: how long have you been in here?

x8ui says: I saw you leave and come back.

x8ui says: Im so bored

x8ui says: Having the last of my gin.

vikinglady says: I did not see you at all until I came back in.

x8ui says: Strange

vikinglady says: what is the time, you have, at the top of this window?

x8ui says: Must be an issue with rosity?

vikinglady says: Yeah

vikinglady says: already have a thread started >:)

x8ui says: 12.15 cst (gmt-6)

vikinglady says: << Insert Curse Word Here >>

x8ui says: waiting for my brother to come online. I need to borrow some money.

vikinglady says: you never showed up in my window, so if you talked to me before that.

It never showed up.... Grrrr

vikinglady says: Do I have your permission to paste this conversation into the thread?

x8ui says: ok

x8ui says: i dont care if i look like an ass.

vikinglady says: 09-29-2006 1310cst thanks

vikinglady says: I just used the drop down menu for the font type and the sodden thing

locked up on me

vikinglady says: 1313cst

Tried to post this at 1310cst as the insert shows. And the system ate the posting attempt Again.

 On top of the initital post, the chat windows are freezing and the victim, waves hand, doesn't now it unless they refresh the window and ask the room about it. Not good. Please help get this fixed.