Forum: Community Center

Subject: Questions

TallPockets opened this issue on Oct 14, 2006 · 30 posts

TallPockets posted Thu, 19 October 2006 at 10:56 AM

(Quote from TerraDreamer) --------------

"Quote - "(5) I understand your response that you're working 'hard' to improve site speed. Will it improve? Measurably, when finished?"

Now how the hell is she supposed to know this?   Are you thinking she may be clairvoyant? -----------------------------------------------------------------


Hello, kind soul.  Thanks (?) for your reply.

I ask 'honest', sincere questions in this forum. StaceyG is the one who normally responds to mine and other's questions. She is the point person, per se. Who would you think I 'should' ask questions of? She is the 'face' of this particular area.

No, I don't think the lovely, Miss StaceyG is 'clarivoyant', kind soul. I don't expect her, or anyone, to be such. In her position at this forum however, she is the one placed here to obtain 'answers' for member's questions, etc.

If she does not know a given answer to a given question, I begrudge her NO ill will, whatsoever. So please, stop insinuating I do. Thanks.

I have in the past, even asked the PTB (powers to be here) to "Stop by the forum" every so often and 'communicate'.. NO ONE in such authority or positions has seen fit to do so?

I even stuck up for Miss StaceyG awhile back in this very forum and asked the 'administrators' if they didn't like her? For placing her in her position and not being given specific answers to specific, members' questions. (If you are a 'long time' reader as you say here, you may remember that? WINK).

I asked the powers to be to come up with an 'estimated' date of completion for this conversion other than "It will be done SOON". Well, kind soul, we've all heard ''SOON'' far too long.

I'm not trying to be a jerkoff here, I’m really not, but for what seems like the last year you've asked her these very same questions in 147 different ways, like some desperate detective in a smoke-filled interrogation room trying to confuse a murder suspect into revealing he's the killer.

TerraDreamer: Nor am I, or was I ever, trying to be a 'jerkoff'. YES, I have asked these VERY same questions in 147+ diffferent ways. For a LONG time. What's that tell you, kind soul? Do you truly think I 'enjoy' asking the very same questions, repeatedly? Sorry to burst your bubble, but I DON'T. I wish 'once' would be more than plenty, kind soul.

Sorry, I worked in the business world for many years. From the very bottom to the very top rungs. I don't have all the answers. No one does.

However, I do know one thing certain from ALL my various past dealings: In ANY place I was, not 'one' such company would 'not' have known a completion date of ventures. At the very least, kind soul, they would have known a 'best guess' date. For their boss, owners and stockholders. Any less than that, would not have been satisfactory.

This whole thing, to me, goes to an entirely broader concept. It's like pulling teeth here to get honest 'answers' to questions.

Many are totally ignored. Not even replied to. Still many others say, 'We're working on it".

Peoples comments here are often not believed. Re: site speed poll. Sorry, kind soul, but when many members 'whine' as it's called, about slow speeds for LONG times and are told, "MY computer is OK", it goes to a simple matter of credibility and beliefs. Understand my point of view?

To dumb old me, TerraDreamer, if the member's cannot be 'believed', where does it go from there?  (btw - feel free to check out the site speed poll link above for the results).

How many times do you need to ask the same questions, and receive the same answers, not just from Stacey, but from other Admins, Managers and Programmers?  How do you feel about publicly placing her on the spot so often?  Have you ONCE placed yourself in HER position?  Ever?" --

TerraDreamer:  Intially, I felt sorry for Miss StaceyG. At first, it seemed like she was placed in this capacity and was being given very little specific information to pass along to the 'valued' members.  Especially, regarding 'technical' issues and questions. 

YES, I have placed myself in her position. I once did what she now does. I later oversaw those in similar positions. I think I know what her position is and does quite well. When I oversaw such positions, I would have never left a valuable employee ''hanging out to dry'', so to speak.

I would have given such a valuable employee the required information necessary to allow said employee to pass along the 'best' information to the customer. Even if I had to help with the process at some point in time. I 'valued' my employees as much as I valued my customers, TerraDreamer. One without the other in 'sync' was not the best for either. Understand, kind soul?

So, after a number of attempts, I posted 'directly' to administration peoples asking them to stop in here to clarify things from their perspectives.

Miss StaceyG: I am NOT publicly placing YOU on the spot. I am only asking what I feel to be most sincere and honest questions deserving of much better and specific answers. And, it's not only myself who feels this way. You are the one that is in this position. Thus, you are the one who gets mine and all other's comments. Good and bad.

TerraDreamer: If you noticed above and in ALL my postings here, I most always THANK people for their work and their responses. As I did above. Funny, those never get mentioned, do they? WINK.

I have received numerous IM's and emails over time, from MANY members here who feel exactly the same way. I guess I am the 'bad guy' representative. SMILE.  Many I speak with encourage me to keep on. Many thank me for adding my voice to their feelings. Many have given up trying or left this most wonderful site.  I guess I was raised to be more 'stubborn'. WINK. ---------------------

In summary: Many people have left this site. Many GOOD people. Some are due to differences that are just that. Sadly, many are due to just not being felt as they are a 'valued' member of the community and not listened to, from my humble perspective. Please, note this distinction, kind soul.

TerraDreamer: It goes beyond normal, comprehensive, beliefs and all business accumen and understanding, that a business does not have a real 'clue' as to when a project they're undertaking will be completed. Would you not agree with that? Even a 'best guess' estimate.

I hope if you ever have a house built for you, that the builder you hire doesn't tell you and yours, (after you've asked the question for the 147th time,  "Mr. builder, when will our house be finished?"), "SOON TerraDreamer, SOON".   WINK.

MISS STACEYG: THANKS for your efforts on behalf of me and all others. My best,

GOD bless you and yours, kind soul.


My best and THANKS for your comments above.
